(dup) Welcome-op

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Welcome !

To begin with your course click on Module 1 under the “Members Navigation” in the top left and watch the “What is Coaching” video.

NOTE: For the time being please use the “Outline” tab above for navigation.  There’s a slight hiccup with the “Members Navigation”, it will be resolved ASAP.

Here’s a quick tour video to help you navigate the site.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]After Completion

After your completion of the course you will be able to access the material again and again. You will also have access to the “Bonuses and Resources” area.

In the “Bonuses and Resources” area you will find additional tools to assist you with your business. These resources are:

  • Mental Strength for Athletic Performance
  • Athletic Evaluation Manual
  • Mental Strength for Tennis Athletes
  • Mental Strength for Fitness and Weight Loss
  • Athletic Movement Manual
  • Mental Strength Assessment
  • The Art and Science of Selling Fitness
  • Coaching Tools

Study Tips

It is essential that you:

  1. Study this course with a purpose.
  2. Continually search the course for ways to achieve your goals as well as resolve your clients’ challenges .
  3. Stay focused on your purpose as you study.
  4. Determine what you want to learn before you begin.
  5. Commit yourself to Recognizing, Relating, Assimilating and Applying the principles, techniques, and ideas this course provides.
  6. Study with a pen in your hand or an open document, ready to record any flash of inspiration or answers to problems.
  7. Ask yourself as you study this material, “What does this mean to me and how can I use it?” By doing so, you will stimulate your brain and nervous system to create new and usable ideas.
  8. Strive to understand each “How to” component in terms of “What to do.” There is a direct relationship between the two.
  9. Develop good study habits. Set aside a specific time each day to study when your mind is alert and receptive to new ideas. Discipline yourself to study every day, never allowing yourself to skip days.
  10. Choose a place where you will be comfortable and unlikely to be disturbed as you study. Try to use the same place every day.

When starting each new lesson, I recommend that you read it through from start to finish, stopping only to mark what you feel is important-what you would like to memorize-or to put a question mark next to statements you don’t quite understand. This is also an excellent time to jot down any inspiring ideas or potential solutions to problems that you might have. Try to complete the lesson before you stop reading.

Always keep in mind your definite action plan. Read and study your lesson once again, making certain that you comprehend the information in each paragraph.

If you do not understand some of the words, look them up in your dictionary and note their synonyms.

You will find it helpful to reread each lesson a third time. This will reinforce what you have already learned and help you to memorize self-motivators that appeal to you.

To fully achieve the goals of your life, study…think…plan…and apply the information in this course.

The R2A2 Formula

How to Recognize, Relate, Assimilate and Apply the Mental Strength Principles

Your ability to recognize, relate, assimilate and apply the information in this course will give you the power to meet any challenge, overcome any obstacle and achieve wealth, health, happiness and the true riches of life.

This course is composed of several principles that have been scientifically proven. They can be compared to an orchestra that is composed of different sections-strings, brass, woodwinds and percussion-which complement each other and produce a melodious, full and pleasant sound

Think of yourself as the maestro of your own orchestra of mental strength principles. The ability to recognize, relate, assimilate and apply the principles is your baton. Use it to blend all the principles into a symphony of success-a meaningful and productive life.

Like any formula, the R2A2 formula is made up of individual parts. Let’s analyze each ingredient:

RECOGNIZE: to identify the principle, idea, or technique

RELATE: to connect or join together; to establish a relationship to your own life

ASSIMILATE: to make similar or alike; to incorporate; to absorb; to become a part of your thinking and action

APPLY: follow through and act upon

How to Develop the Habit of Using the R2A2 Formula

First of all, you need a mental success reflex, a trigger phrase that will immediately direct your mind when you recognize a success principle, idea, or technique.

For Example:


I recognize the principle, idea or technique that is being used. Say to yourself. “It helped someone else. I can see the results, and it will work for me if I use it. THAT’S FOR ME!”


Ask yourself. “What will the principle, idea or technique do for me?” IMPORTANT: You must relate it to yourself. Start with the most important living person as far as you are concerned: YOU.


Ask yourself. “How can I use the principles, ideas or techniques to achieve my goals or solve my problems? How can I absorb them into my behavior so that they become a part of me? How can I develop a success habit-a success reflex so that the right thing will be done?”


Ask yourself. “What action will I take? When am I going to start?” Ask the important questions and then follow through with the self-starter. “DO IT NOW! Yes. DO IT NOW!”

The R2A2 formula should become so ingrained in your mind that you can recognize success principles, ideas, or techniques by listening to an audio, reading a book or watching a program.

Remember: develop and use your own success reflex by seeking ways to say; “THAT’S FOR ME!”

Private Coaching

If you’d like to take your training and education to a new level consider private coaching with me.  I’ll help you really understand this information and assist you in creating a profitable coaching business.  Please Contact Me if you’d like more information.[/text_block]

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